Our values, our commitments
BIO-UV Group missions and values
Through the design, manufacture and marketing of water and surface disinfection equipment, BIO-UV Group aims to provide its customers with innovative and environmentally friendly technical solutions based on UV-C and Ozone technology. Our vision and values form the foundation of our growth and influence our conduct as leaders in this sector.
Our goal is to offer functional services and products, beyond norms and standards of quality, to be more competitive and which are clearly part of a sustainable development approach (preservation of water and energy resources as well as protection of biodiversity by limiting the use of chemicals).
“Say what you do and do what you say
Benoît Gillmann (founder of BIO-UV Group)
The culture of results, in the sense of efficiency and quality of the solution delivered, the satisfaction of the end customer and the value of our employees are and remain our permanent concern, both nationally and internationally.
Our development policy is based on a strong team of experienced leaders, a corporate culture supported by a performance management system and a growth strategy.
Corporate commitments to support our values
Integrity, honesty and transparency
➥ Building strong and lasting relationships with all the players in our ecosystem.
Permanent innovation
➥ Technical evolution: R&D investment: 13M€ have been invested over the last few years in Research & Development.
➥ Accessibility and competitiveness of products in the face of water resource management issues.
Sustainable development
Human health and the preservation of water resources are the pillars of our business:
➥ Environmentally friendly processes.
➥ Limitation of the use of chemicals and sobriety on the consumption of raw materials.
➥ Saving and optimising water resources
Performing and satisfying
Water treatment is subject to strict standards and regulatory constraints:
➥ Reliability and performance of systems (qualification test)
➥ Compliance with international standards (certified products and systems).
Be flexible, responsive and adaptable at all times
➥ Our 20 years of expertise allows us to offer tailor-made systems and solutions to meet customers’ needs.
➥ Adapting and responding to market needs.

The performance management system
A voluntary approach since 2010
➥ Partager une culture d’entreprise, un vocabulaire, une organisation interne et des procédures harmonisées.
➥ Définir et mesurer avec des indicateurs simples le niveau de conformité de nos réalisations.
➥ Évaluer la performance de nos résultats.
➥ Communiquer sur le niveau de satisfaction de nos clients. -
Our quality management commitments
Consistent with the company’s strategy, our objectives are aimed at the satisfaction of all stakeholders, including our customers, our employees and our investors:
➥ Improving operational performance and responsiveness, to increase profitability.
➥ The commercial development of our land, maritime & surface activities.
➥ Innovation with the launch of new products, making manufacturing more reliable, obtaining and renewing certifications.