BIO-UV Group General Meetings
General Meetings
Do you wish to attend our General Meetings ?
If your shares are registered, you will receive a convocation form from BIO-UV Group. All you have to do is go to the General Shareholders’ Meeting with your identification. If your shares are bearer shares, you must ask your bank to immobilize your shares and go to the General Meetings with an immobilization certificate, which will enable you to take part in the vote on the resolutions.
You wish to vote by mail?
You do not wish to or cannot attend the General Meetings. There are three possible options for voting:
➥ Vote by mail by casting your vote on each of the proposed resolutions.
➥ Give your proxy to the Chairman.
➥ Be represented by another person.
Notice of Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of May 28, 2021 (french only)
Find all the documents related to the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of May 28, 2021:
- 2020 Annual Financial Report (french only)
- Report on the presentation of resolutions (french only)
- Auditors’ reports on the financial delegations and authorizations submitted for the approval of the General Meeting (french only)
- Supplementary report of the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors (french only)
- Request form for documents and information (french only)
- Absentee voting form (french only)
- Record of the General Meeting (french only)
Information sheets of the members of the Board of Directors whose co-optation is to be ratified at the General Meeting of May 28, 2021:
Notice of Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of May 29, 2020 (french only)
Find all the documents related to the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of May 29, 2020:
- Notice of Ordinary and Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting 29/05/20 (french only)
- Notice of Ordinary and Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting 29/05/20 (french only)
- Text of the resolutions proposed to the AGM of 29/05/20 (french only)
- Request form for documents and information (french only)
- Universal form (french only)
- Number of shares and voting rights as at 24/04/20 (french only)
- Report of the Board of Directors on the resolutions submitted to the AGM of 29/05/20 (french only)
- Annual Financial Report 2019 (french only)
- Minutes of the General Meeting(french only)
Information sheets of the members of the Board of Directors whose co-optation is to be ratified at the General Assembly of 29/05/20:
- Financial report January-June 2019 (french only)
- CAC report on the interim financial statements January-June 2019 (french only)
- Notice of Annual and Special Shareholders’ Meeting of June 6, 2019 (french only)
- CAC report on the 2018 consolidated financial statements (french only)
- CAC report on the 2018 annual accounts (french only)
- Text of the resolutions proposed to the ordinary and extraordinary General Assembly of June 6, 2019 (french only)
- Form for voting by mail or by proxy (french only)
- Application form for an admission card (french only)
- Document request form (french only)